Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Future plans

What do you want to do with your life?
I honestly thought I was past the point of getting that question all the time, I mean I am heading towards turning 25... I figured at this point people would just let me live my life.
But in the past few weeks I have been asked many times "what do you want to do with your life?" "where do you see yourself in 5 years?"
I hate these questions. Not because I am avoiding the future, but because my answers are apparently never what people want me to say. People set out asking these questions with a "correct" answer in mind. And mine is never the one they want.

So what is my answer to the above questions?
"I don't know. I don't know where I am going to be or what I am going to be doing in 5 years. All I know is that I am where I am supposed to be right now in this moment in my life."

People always start arguing with me, "Well you need to prepare for the future" "Do you want to start your own business?" "how are you going to work your way up?"

Here's the thing.
I love my life. I have never been one to want "The American Dream" I am happy in my simple (probably to the majority of people, poor) little life. I don't mind driving an old car or working an hourly job. I am not trying to "work my way up the ladder"
I am content with my life. I love coffee, I love music, I love Greenville and I LOVE my family and friends. And I am just trying to live my life, bringing a little joy and happiness to other people's life.
"Loving God, Loving People" That is all I know.

And if that isn't enough for you, I am sorry. But I am not living my life to please you.
I don't know what the future holds, but I sure as heck plan on spending it with people I love. Who make me laugh, who challenge me but at the same time who love me for who I am. Even if that is just me being a little old barista, who spends her weekends volunteering at a local non-profit concert venue. Cause that is enough for me, I am happy.

1 comment:

  1. at this sentence : People always start arguing with me, "Well you need to prepare for the future" "Do you want to start your own business?" "how are you going to work your way up?" ... I said, "UGH!"

    but then at the rest of it, I am cheering.
    Just remember, you are enough. period. and what your life is today is enough.

    LOVE YOU!!


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