Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I was watching TV the other day...
And this commercial, this time for some lash-enhancing formula came on... you apply it to you lashes and they grow fuller thicker lashes... side-effects include "dry eyes, redness or itching of the eyes and pain and permanent discoloration of the eye." SERIOUSLY???

Later that day...
another commercial for some new oral acne medication came on (I don't remember the name), so it gets to the part where they talk about side-effects... "Tiredness, skin allergies, dizziness.. and may increase the risk of cancer." WHAT??? CANCER!!!

I mean I know this world is all caught up in "Beauty" and being "Flawless"
and that as women, we are pushed everywhere we turn to be skinnier, taller, more "perfect" and don't get me wrong; I am not saying make-up and skin care are all bad... anyone who know me, knows I wear make-up and even like wearing make-up.
But when being "beautiful" starts to be detrimental to my health... and possibly increasing my risk of getting CANCER that is a line I will NOT mess with.

It is ridiculous,
I wish that girls and women could find self-worth in more then just their looks.
Be beautiful, but know that being strong, intelligent, funny and full of joy is beautiful too.

1 comment:

  1. you, my dear, are a wise woman! Must take after your mother. LOL!


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